Sunday, March 22, 2009

how can you sleep at a time like this, unless the dreamer is the real you

It is one o'clock in the afternoon, and I got home a couple hours ago from one of the funnest nights I've had yet in Barcelona. My friends and I (along with every other American in the city) had tickets to see Girl Talk (an American DJ) at a Razzmatazz, a really huge, crazy club. The show, which started at 2:30am, was really fun; Girl Talk is such an intense and sweaty performer (not my mother's mash-up DJ, that's for sure). The last time I saw him, I ended up jumping on stage at the beginning and got myself a mildly embarrassing youtube video to prove it, so this time I made sure to avoid running up there with the other kids who did it... Anyway, fun show, fun people, crazy time. Basically about a billion people packed in this place, just dancing to themselves, having a nice time together. Beautiful.

After the show, I had lost all of my housemates but decided with my friends Ted, Colin, and Leighton to head to the beach for sunrise. Miraculously, we ran into Kate, Emily, and a few other people in the subway station... I have no idea why I'm name-dropping right now, what does this matter? So to get to the point, we went to the beach and along the way we found a couch in a dumpster, so we took it to the sand and watched the sun rise above the water, running in a little bit to cool off our hot-hot dancin' feet.

After THAT, I started home with Kate and Emily, but by the time I got there I realized that I was too awake and excited to go into a dark apartment, so I wandered around my neighborhood a little bit (don't worry, safe neighborhood and it was already like 9 am Sunday morning). I happened by the local bakery, where the owner was already up and setting out the day's loaves, so I stopped in and talked to him for awhile. Intercambio, SCORE. Anyway, I went back home after awhile, kind of sad because I knew no one else would be up to share in my joy, but alas! Dear, sweet Suki was up doing the same thing! What a great gal. We are up now eating oranges and smiling a lot and planning the next couple of days...

We've been calling this the Trifecta Weekend (later changed to the Quadfecta, followed by Cincfecta because we realized there was a lot of good stuff going on) because following last night's show is today's Barcelona futbol game, and JASON MRAZ tomorrow. I am leaping. a;sdlkfja;dsiguads. My vocabulary is small but my heart is big.

THENNNNN Mom and Dad, a week from Friday! Followed by the Amalfi Coast of Italy with Lucy for spring break, followed by everything else here, then Omaha! Then Boston! Then whatever follows!


PS- I haven't taken any pictures in the last two weeks or so, but since it is now officially spring, I'll celebrate with this one from last spring in Omaha. It is still charming.

1 comment:

  1. Tara! I have read lots and lots of your blog. It is wonderful and I am glad to hear that you are taking Barcelona and turning it Vaughan. I MISS YOU!! keep having a great time, but come back shoon!
